Online Livestream Classes

Monthly Gatherings

These monthly 90 minute practices are an exploration of movement, breathwork, restorative/yin postures and embodied meditation. I tend to share something around the seasonal context of the moment we find ourselves in (or whatever I am currently nerding out about at the time!) Make a cup of tea, grab your cosy socks and a few blankets, light a candle, make it a sweet moment to ground into yourself.

Recording available if you can’t make it live. Please send an email requesting the recording once you’ve sent over payment.

Upcoming Classes:

Coming soon

£10-15 sliding scale via PayPal

Please select “Pay friends/family” option on Paypal so I receive the full amount

If you’d like to pay via alternate means i.e. bank transfer please get in touch via email to arrange -

How to join a class:

Your contribution to my PayPal is considered a booking. Please arrange your payment prior to class. Then simply download Zoom on your desktop/mobile if you haven’t got it already. Click on the button below at the time of class and you’ll land in a waiting room. I’ll admit you into my Zoom classroom within 5 minutes of the class time. Please be prompt :)

Zoom I.D: 693 896 0188


Safety: These practices are generally suited to all, but it is up to you as an individual to take care of yourself in class. I will not be able to have eyes on everyone or assist bodies into alignment in the same way as I would if we were in person. If you suffer from a specific injury, managing a condition or are pre/post natal please remember that it is up to you whether or not a practice is right for you. If you’d like to get in touch to discuss whether a class is suitable you can do so here.